We are really in a generation where there are no kids anymore in this world. The world has moved so fast that primary or basic pupils now use mobile phones and some even use the mobile phone in school.
But in the old days around 2000 to 2010, one must complete secondary high school before getting a mobile phone to use. Though there were rich kids using mobile phones, they were like 5%.
In a viral video Sighted by SIRSLAYOUT, two jhs students (one male one female) were seen practicing this ‘couple goals’ thing and internet users can’t stop bashing them hard. Where they flaunt themselves to the public either dancing or playing romance together.
In the video, These kids were seen dancing to a popular song titled “don’t rush”, and through the dancing, the boy starting squeezing the ‘oranges’ of the girl as it all ends up to k!ss!ng. It will obviously end up on the be.d and this can lead to teenage pregnancy.
Watch The Video Below;
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